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Area Studies as a Reflection of the World in Flux

area studies krakowConference | Thursday, October 29, 2015
Institute of European Studies
Jagiellonian University of Kraków | Poland
Programme (Conference Room, Pigoniówka, Garbarska 7, 1st Floor)

9.00-9.05 Opening of the conference

9.05-10.45 Panel I

Zdzisław Mach, Introductory Remarks: European Studies and the Institute of European Studies of the Jagiellonian University

Joanna Nowicki, Why Braudel’s Concept of Europe Médiane Became Interesting for French Academics Now?

Jacques Pothier, Farewell, Area Studies; Long Live Transfer Studies!

10.45-10.55 Coffee break 10.55-12.15 Panel II

Luc Ampleman, So Far, So Close: What Area Studies Can Learn From The Arctic

Jean-Marc Févret, French Teaching and Research About the Middle East: The Image of a Western Cultural Area

Krzysztof Kościelniak, Islam and Human Rights in the Context of Intercultural Communication Between the West and the Muslim World

12.15-13.45 Lunch

13.45-15.15 Panel III

Nina Pluta, The Transatlantic Perspective in Understanding Spanish American Literature

Damien Ehrhardt, Area, Space and Culture: Reflections About ‘Traveling Concepts’ in Interculturality

Karol Derwich, Between Democratization and State Dysfunction. Analyzing the Condition of Latin American States

15.15-15.30 Coffee break

15.30-16.45 Panel IV

Marta Kania, Cultural Heritage, Human Rights and Pluricultural Politics in Latin America

Georges Lomné, From New World to Latin America: Singularisation of a Cultural Area

Grzegorz Pożarlik, Visegrad Studies as Area Studies: Concept and Implementation

16.45-16.50 Concluding remarks and closing of the conference

Addendum: Galicia as a Specific Area of Study (Galicia Jewish Museum, Dajwór 18)
17.00 Transfer to the venue

17.20-18.00 Jakub Nowakowski, Director of the Galicia Jewish Museum On Galicia and the Galicia Jewish Museum as an Institution
18.00 Open Public Lecture: Redemption of Memory: Preserving, Studying and Presenting the Documents of Eastern European Jewish Communities. Lecture based on the exhibition YIVO in Vilnius: The Beginning of The Legend

OpenEdition vous propose de citer ce billet de la manière suivante :
Jacques Pothier (20 octobre 2015). Area Studies as a Reflection of the World in Flux. Recherche et Aires Culturelles. Consulté le 9 février 2025 à l’adresse

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